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  • 1 - 1 Golf Lesson with PGA Professionals

  • Start Learning How to Swing! Group of maximum 12 children with 1:4 student to coach ratio.

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Our Beginner Group Classes are perfect for beginner and intermediate players to test out their interest in golf while meeting other children with the same interest.


Our main focus is for the kids to have fun while learning the fundamentals of the game: proper swing, pitching, chipping, putting, course etiquette and more.


Different competitions and games are given on a regular basis to help maintain motivation and interest.

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Our Intermediate/Advance Group Classes are great for players who want to play in tournaments or are already competing and want to improve their scoring on the golf course!


Our Junior Group Clinic is a great way to tune up the kids' golf games while still learning from our excellent coaches. The clinic is a great introduction to golf for beginning players. 

The clinic is run month-by-month, with 1-hour sessions each week, including a testing day to demonstrate what you've learned and practiced! Sessions are offered year-round!


The children will be able to refresh their minds and body with the fundamentals and the rules of golf while still playing fun games and competing in golf tournaments!

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